School Meals
Children have the choice of a school meal cooked on site by staff appointed by Whole School Meals or they may bring a packed lunch from home. The lunch should be in a clearly labelled box please. No glass containers should be brought to school. The cook provides healthy, well-balanced meals – menus are available on request. Water is provided, but warm drinks may be brought in an all-plastic flask of the type that is now generally available. If a child wishes to change from school meals to packed lunches, or vice versa, please let the school office know by giving at least 10 days notice in writing.
Whole School Meals
Dinner money
The Office Staff will deal with all dinner money. To help with the administration and accounting of all dinner money we would appreciate it if the following points are noted:
- Dinner money to be brought to school on the first day of any school week, on a Monday - occasionally after a holiday it should be brought in on the first day back in school.
- The current charge is £2.35 per child, per day. Payment Methods: by either cash (sent into school with child’s name, class and amount enclosed on the envelope), or cheques (made payable to Kent County Council).
- Parents receiving Income Support or Job-Seekers Allowance may claim free meals. Information and forms are available from the school office.
Water in School
The school has a policy, based on a worldwide research, on children being able to drink water throughout the day. A practice that is central to the effectiveness of this policy is that every child should bring a NAMED 500ml plastic bottle filled with water each day. No squash, flavoured water or juice, unless it is part of your child’s packed lunch. The children are then able to drink regularly and avoid dehydration. The school has a water machine that dispenses cooled and filtered mains water and the children can top up their bottles from this. Drinking water regularly has been shown to have marked benefits on a child’s ability to concentrate and learn.