Year 1: Turtles
Welcome to Turtle Class
For your information:
Class Teacher - Mrs Mclatchie
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Jacobs (Monday to Friday) and Miss Jones (Wednesday afternoons)
- Our PE day is Thursday and children will need to come to school wearing their PE kits. Please ensure that earrings are removed on a PE day.
- Each small term your child will bring home a word list of high frequency and common exception words. Please support your child's reading fluency by practising these at home.
- Reading books will be changed on Mondays and Thursdays. Please read daily with your child and record this in their reading record book.
- The children will be bringing home a reading for pleasure book from the library on Monday. Please remember to bring in the weekly library book on a Monday.
- Please remember to send children in with a pair of wellies to be kept in school to be used as part of our new Opal program. Please see the newsletter for more information or ask one of us.