Our Curriculum
At Capel-le-Ferne Primary School we follow the 2014 National Curriculum.The subjects included in this curriculum are:
Maths, English, Art and Design, Design and Technology, Geography, History, Computing, Modern Foreign Languages, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education, Science and PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education).
Basic Skills
We believe it is crucial that children acquire a solid understanding of the basic skills in English, including oracy, and maths in the early years of school. This grounding will equip them to broaden and deepen their learning as they move through the school.
Broad and Balanced Curriculum
The school's curriculum reflects the aims that we are striving for each child to achieve. Our intent is that:
Our pupils will be learners who have the skills and integrity to thrive in life. These skills can be characterised by:
The appropriate life and academic skills at each stage of their school life.
A willingness to build on prior learning to tackle new challenges, make mistakes in the process, and learn from them to move forward.
An understanding of the difference between right and wrong, reflected in the way we lead our daily lives.
An ability to take personal responsibility for our actions, and to demonstrate how our actions can have a positive benefit on the wider community.
Aspiration, drawing inspiration from role models in all walks of life.
An understanding of how we learn, and a desire to make ongoing improvements in our learning.
Outdoor learning
We are fortunate that our school sits in lovely grounds, and we are in the middle of the Opal project, supported by our PFA, to develop these grounds to have the maximum impact on enjoyment during recreational time and learning outdoors.
National Curriculum Expectations
Please see below for the objectives that will be covered in each year group.
Further Information on the school curriculum
Please see below the curriculum overview for Year 1 to Year 6 (we are currently updating our EYFS curriculum). On class pages, parents and visitors can find information on the school curriculum being taught in each term. Information can also be found on different subject pages. Also, the class teacher would be very happy to meet with parents on an appointment basis to discuss the curriculum further.